अमेरिकी अन्तरिक्ष यान एटलान्टिस अन्तिम पटक पृथ्वीमा अवतरण, नासाको ३० वर्षे ऐतिहासिक अन्तरिक्ष कार्यक्रम पुरा

अमेरिकी अन्तरिक्ष केन्द्र नासाको ३० वर्षे ऐतिहासिक अन्तरिक्ष कार्यक्रमको
महत्वपूर्ण चरण सकिएको छ ।
अन्तरिक्ष यान एटलान्टिस अन्तिम पटकका लागि पृथ्वीमा
अवतरण गरेपछि नासाको अन्तरिक्ष अभियानको एउटा चरण समाप्त भएको हो ।
एटलान्टिस यान
प्लोरिडाको केनेडी अन्तरिक्ष केन्द्रमा चार अन्तरिक्ष यात्री सहित स्थानीय सयम
अनुसार बुधबार विहान सूर्योदय अघि उत्रिएको थियो । योसंगै अन्तरिक्षमा अमेरिकी
अभियानको प्रभुत्वको एक चरण पनि समाप्त भएको छ । अन्तरिक्षमा आफ्नो १३ पटकको यात्रा
पुरा गरिसकेको एटलान्टिसलाई अझै पनि उपयोग गर्न सकिने भएपनि मर्मतमा ठूलो धनराशी
खर्च गर्नु पर्ने भएपछि अमेरिकी सरकारले एटलान्टिसलाई पृथ्वीमा अवतरण गराउने निर्णय
गरेको थियो ।
यान ओर्लिएपछि अब त्यसको सञ्चालनमा जुटेका ३ हजार मानिसको काम पनि
केही समय पछि सकिने बताइएको छ । अन्तरिक्षमा २० करोड २६ लाख ७३ हजार ९ सय ७४
किलोमिटरको यात्रा पुरा गरेको एटलान्टिस यानलाई अब केनेडी अन्तरिक्ष केन्द्रमा
अवलोकनका लागि राखिने छ । एटलान्टिसलाई अन्तरिक्षमा जानका लागि तथा अन्तरिक्ष
स्टेशनको निर्माण र उपग्रहको खोजीमा प्रयोग गरिएको थियो ।
विगत ३० वर्षमा नासाले
एटलान्टिस, च्यालेन्जर, कोलम्बिया, डिस्कवरी र एडेम्बर नामका यान मार्फत अन्तरिक्ष
कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरेको थियो । एटलान्टिस पृथ्वीमा अवतरण गरेपछि अन्तरिक्ष
केन्द्रमा जानका लागि अब रुसमाथि निर्भर रहनु पर्नेछ । अमेरिकाको अन्तरिक्ष
कार्यक्रममा देखिएको शून्यताको स्थिति अब कम्तिमा चार वर्ष सम्म रहने अनुमान गरिएको
छ ।
1) The first ever shuttle launch from Kennedy Space Center in
Florida on April 12, 1981, carried astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen
aboard space shuttle Columbia into an Earth orbital mission.




2) Then US president Ronald Reagan, on November 13, 1981, gets a
laugh from NASA officials in mission control when he jokingly asks crew members
aboard space shuttle Columbia if they could stop by Washington en route to their
California landing site in order that he might join them




3) Astronaut Bruce McCandless II, is seen further away from the
confines and safety of his ship than any previous astronaut has ever been,
February 12, 1984 [NASA]




4) The Challenger shuttle exploded after launch, killing all seven
members aboard on January 28, 1986 [AP]




5) The crewmembers who died on the Challenger, in the back row from
left to right: Ellison S. Onizuka, mission specialist; Sharon Christa McAuliffe,
Teacher in Space participant; Greg Jarvis, payload specialist; and Judy Resnik,
mission specialist. In the front row from left to right: Mike Smith, pilot; Dick
Scobee, commander; and Ron McNair, mission specialist




6) The morning launch of the shuttle Columbia from Kennedy Space
Center in Florida on January 9, 1990 [NASA]




7) Astronaut Rick Hieb looks into the aft flight deck of the orbiter
during his spacewalk on the shuttle Endeavor, May 16, 1992




8) Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Endeavor work to repair the
Hubble space telescope [NASA]




9) The space shuttle Discover is brought to its mobile launcher
platform on June 5, 1995, 11 days before its launch date




10) Space shuttle Atlantis connected to Russia’s Mir space station
on July 4, 1995 [NASA]




11) Space shuttle Endeavor lands at Kennedy space center on January
20, 1996 [NASA]




12) A night launch of space shuttle Atlantis on September 25, 1997




13) Space shuttle Atlantis is returned to Kennedy space center on
the back of a Boeing 747, September 11, 1998




14) Astronaut Bill Shepherd (C), Cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko (L) Sergei
Krikalev, balance oranges on their fingers in the international space station,
February 7, 2001 [NASA]




15) The space shuttle Columbia flies into a cloudbank after lift off
at the Kennedy space center March 1, 2002




16) A sign outside downtown Dallas, Texas, tells residents to report
found remains of the space shuttle Columbia February 1, 2003. Columbia broke up
during re-entry, killing seven astronauts and spreading debris over hundreds of
miles of Texas countryside [Chris




17) An alligator swimming in a small pond in front of launch pad as
the space shuttle Discovery – the first shuttle mission since the 2003 Columbia
accident – is reflected in the water July 14, 2005, at the Kennedy Space Center
[Win McNamee/Getty]




18) Kennedy Space Center employee Lisa Gorichky cries as space
shuttle Atlantis lifts off during the final space shuttle mission, July 8, 2011
[Win McNamee/Getty]




19) Space shuttle Atlantis in Earth orbit just before docking for
the last time with the international space station, July 10, 2011




20) The Southern Lights and the port side wing of space shuttle
Atlantis can be seen from the international space station, July 14, 2011




21) Astronaut Mike Fossum waits at an international space station’s
pressurized mating adapter as the station’s robotic system moves the failed pump
module (out of frame) over to the spacewalking astronaut during a planned
six-and-a-half-hour spacewalk July 12, 2011, in space




22) A sign along the road at the NASA’s Kennedy space center shows
the countdown to the scheduled landing of the space shuttle Atlantis, July 20,
2011, in Cape Canaveral, Florida [NASA]




23) Space shuttle Atlantis lands at the Kennedy space center on July
21, 2011, on the final trip of NASA’s space shuttle program. [Don